Uslovi (1)
srijeda, 20 februar 2019 23:08Napisao Next Travel, Bar, Montenegro
Odredbe Opštih uslova čine sastavni dio ugovora između „ Next travel-a“ d.o.o., Jovana Stojanovića 10, Bar 85 000, Crna Gora ( u daljem teksu: Organizator putovanja) i ino-turoperatora / klijenta ( u daljem tekstu Posrednik).
Turistička agencija „ Next travel“, organizovanim grupama i individualcima pruža usluge : smještaja, transfera, izleta, ugostiteljskih usluga i drugih obaveza iz ponude.
Next travel ove usluge ne vrši u slučaju više sile (rаt, nemiri, štrаjkovi, teroristički nаpаdi, sаnitаrni problemi, prirodne kаtаstrofe, itd.).
Organizator se obavezuje da će sve obaveze iz ponude tj. turističkog paketa - aranžmana izvršavati savjesno, bez odlaganja i sa pažnjom dobrog privrednika.
Svi podaci navedeni u ponudi predstavljaju zakonsku obavezu za Organizatora i Posrednika.
Cijene su date u ponudi tj programu putovanja, iskazane su u eurima, uključuju PDV, a temelje se na traženom broju učesnika i unaprijed određenim datumima.
Cijena aranžmana, po pravilu (ukoliko nešto drugo nije naznačeno u programu putovanja) obuhvata: usluge prevoza, hotelske, ugostiteljske usluge i troškove organizacije putovanja (usluge predstavnika agencije, vodiča, lokalnog vodiča).
Sve vrste dodatnih usluga, za koje je Posrednik zainteresovan, moraju se posebno pismeno ugovoriti sa Organizatorom prije putovanja.
Ukoliko putnik zahtijeva posebnu uslugu za vrijeme putovanja, van programa, plaća je na licu mjesta predstavniku Posrednika ili Organizatora putovanja, u valuti zemlje Organizatora.
U slučaju neiskorišćenih usluga u hotelu, usled odlaska na izlet, putnik nema pravo na povraćaj sredstava u tom dijelu.
Trajanje aranžmana odredjeno je brojem kalendarskih dana, a ne brojem časova izmedju časa polaska i povratka. Vrijeme polaska, dolaska, kao i trajanje putovanja je uslovljeno procedurama na graničnim prelazima, stanjem na putevima, dozvolama nadležnih vlasti, na koje Organizator ne može uticati, te zbog toga navedeni razlozi ne mogu biti predmet prigovora putnika.
Cijena aranžmana navedena u ponudi i ugovoru, te obavezuje ugovorne strane, izuzev u zakonom predviđenim slučajevima, kada Organizator može zahtijevati povećanje cijene. Organizator putovanja može zahtijevati povećanje ugovorene cijene ako je nakon zaključenja ugovora došlo do promjene u tarifama prevoznika koje bitno utiču na cijenu putovanja, kao i u drugim slučajevima predviđenim zakonom.
O povećanju cijene, organizator je dužan obavijestiti Posrednika, pismeno ili usmeno, bez odlaganja, a po saznanju uzroka koji su doveli do povećanja cijene.
Ukoliko u naznačenom roku Posrednik pismeno ne obavijesti Organizatora da odustaje od ugovora, smatra se da je saglasan sa novom cijenom.
Ponuda se smatra potvrđenom kada obje ugovorne strane potpišu ugovor o pružanju usluge i kada Next travel primi prvi depozit.
Konačni detalji ponude moraju biti potvrđeni najkasnije 21 dan prije dolaska gostiju. Sve dodatne usluge potvrđene nakon tog datuma podliježu ponovnom obračunu i naplati.
Konačni broj učesnika (rooming lista) i svih usluga moraju biti dostupni Organizatoru najmanje 7 radnih dana prije dolaska grupe.
Redosled plaćanja i depoziti su u skladu sa Ugovorom između Organizatora i Posrednika.
Next travel zadržava pravo da otkaže ili uskrati bilo koju uslugu za koju depoziti nijesu primljeni na datume dospijeća ili nijesu u cjelosti unaprijed plaćeni u skladu s dogovorenim redosledom plaćanja.
Boravišna taksa je uključena u cijenu.
Prema Zakonu Republike Crne Gore boravišna taksa iznosi 1,00 € po osobi/ po danu za odrasle. Djeca uzrasta 12 do 18 godina plaćaju 50% od iznosa takse, dok djeca do 12 godina ne plaćaju boravišnu taksu.
Ponudjeni hoteli, apartmani, drugi objekti, kao i prevozna sredstva u programima Organizatora opisani su prema službenoj kategorizaciji države. U programu putovanja, navedena je važeća kategorizacija hotela, na dan zaključenja ugovora između Organizatora putovanja i Posrednika, pa eventualne naknadne promjene i odstupanja od zvanično utvrdjene kategorije hotela, za koje organizator nije znao, ne mogu biti od uticaja. Ishrana, komfor i kvalitet drugih usluga, determinisani su kategorijom, cijenom, a pod nadzorom su državnih i lokalnih turističkih inspekcija. Sve usluge navedene u programu putovanja podrazumijevaju prosječne standarde kvaliteta. Opisi sadržani u ponudi organizatora se odnose isključivo na smještajne objekte sa pripadajućim pratećim sadržajima, a ne i na šire okruženje (primjera radi, okolne objekte, konfiguraciju terena, eventualnu buku, saobraćaj i sl.). Pojedini, u programu navedeni sadržaji, ne moraju biti u funkciji, posebno, imajući u vidu kalendarski period boravka kao i druge parametre (npr. otvoreni bazen u zimskom periodu ili zatvoreni bazen u ljetnjem periodu…) a sve u skladu sa pravilima hotelijera. Usluge turističkog vodiča, turističkog pratioca, lokalnog turističkog vodiča i turističkog animatora ili lokalnog predstavnika organizatora predviđene programom putovanja ne podrazumijevaju njihovo cjelodnevno i kontinuirano prisustvo, već samo kontakt i pružanje usluga po unaprijed utvrđenim terminima naznačenim u programu putovanja.
Prevoz autobusom i autobuski transferi obavljaju se standardnim turističkim autobusima prema propisima i kriterijumima koji važe u našoj zemlji. Kašnjenja autobusa zbog vremenskih uslova, vanrednih prilika u saobraćaju, prekomjernih zadržavanja na granicama, kvara i slično, po prirodi stvari su van uticaja organizatora, što molimo da imate u vidu.
Putni pravac, pauze, mjesto i dužine njihovog trajanja odredjuje vodič i vozač. Vodič-vozač ima pravo da, zbog neižbježnih okolnosti, promijeni red vožnje, itinerer puta, ili redosled obilazaka lokalitata. Putnik ima obavezu da prihvati svako ponuđeno mjesto u prevoznom sredstvu. Prenos prtljaga od mjesta parkiranja do smještajne jedinice je obaveza putnika (prevoz će biti što je moguće bliže smještaju). Ukoliko je transport prtljaga od parkinga do hotela u organizaciji hotela, Organizator ne snosi odgovornost za nestanak ili oštećenje prtljaga. Za zaboravljene stvari u autobusu, agencija ne odgovara, ali će preduzeti sve neophodne mjere, u okviru svojih mogućnosti, da se iste pronađu.
Prevoz putnika željezničkim, morskim, rječnim ili jezerskim prevoznim sredstvima koji se obavlja se, je direktna odgovornost ovih prevoznika, odredjena u skladu sa propisima kojima se regulišu pomenute vrste saobraćaja.
Raspored soba / apartmana određuje recepcija u mjestu boravka. Hoteli koji su u ponudi, mogu biti sastavljeni od više istih ili različitih smještajnih objekata i jedinica. Ukoliko putnik, uz pismenu saglasnost organizatora, nije izričito ugovorio sobu ili apartman posebnog položaja i odlika, prihvatiće bilo koju službeno registrovanu sobu/apartman u pojedinom objektu opisanom u ponudi i cjenovniku, bez obzira na posebne zahtjeve samog putnika u odnosu na položaj objekta, spratnost, blizinu buke, parkinga i sl. kao i na to da li se soba nalazi u centralnoj zgradi ili nekom drugom objektu u okviru smještajnog kapaciteta, i sl. Putnici mogu da se odluče za vrstu usluge /najam, noćenje sa doručkom, polupansion, pun pansion, all inclusive, all inclusive light, all inclusive superior, all inclusive ultra superior, korišćenje klima uredjaja i dr. samo prilikom rezervacije aranžmana. Ukoliko je moguće, organizator putovanja će nastojati da izađe u susret putniku i zadovolji njegove dodatne zahtjeve u pogledu smještaja (komfor, orijentacija sobe i sl.) ali ne može garantovati ispunjenje dodatnih zahtjeva, koji nisu pismeno ugovoreni.
Organizator putovanja, može otkazati putovanje potpuno ili djelimično, u slučaju nastupanja vanrednih okolnosti koje se nisu mogle predvidjeti, izbjeći niti otkloniti, a koje nijesu postojale u u vrijeme prihvatanja ponude. Ukoliko se putovanje iz ovih opravdanih razloga prekida, organizator ima pravo na naknadu za stvarno pružene usluge.
Posrednik ima pravo da promijeni potvrđenu rezervaciju samo ako Organizator prihvata promjenu. Zahtjev za promjenu rezervacije mora biti u pisanoj formi (e-mail, fax ili pismo).
Ukoliko Posrednik želi da stornira rezervaciju, mora dostaviti zahtjev u pisanoj formi (e-mail, fax ili pismo).
Datum pismenog otkaza predstavlja osnov za obračun naknade koja u skladu sa zakonom, pripada organizatoru, izražene procentualno u odnosu na ukupnu cijenu i to:
- 20 % ako se putovanje otkaže od 44 do 30 dana prije dolaska gostiju, ostatak novca će biti vraćen na račun Posredniku.
- 40 % ako se otkaže 29 do 21 dana prije dolaska gostiju, ostatak novca će biti vraćen na račun Posredniku.
- 60 % ako se otkaže 20 do 15 dana prije dolaska gostiju, ostatak novca će biti vraćen na račun Posredniku.
- 80 % ako se otkaže 14 do 8 dana prije dolaska gostiju, ostatak novca će biti vraćen na račun Posredniku.
- 100 % ako se otkaže 7 do 0 dana prije dolaska gostiju.
Organizator putovanja ima pravo na izmjenu programa putovanja, ukoliko je ista uzrokovana vanrednim okolnostima koje organizator nije mogao predvidjeti, izbjeći ili otkloniti, s tim da troškovi koji su nastali usled izmjene programa padaju na teret organizatora.
Organizator zadržava pravo promjene dana ili sata putovanja, produženja ili skraćenja trajanja aranžmana kao i pravo promjene redosleda u programu, ukoliko dođe do promjene uslova (red letenja, prinudna slijetanja, kvar prevoznog sredstva, gužva na granicama ili u saobraćaju, štrajkova koji utiču na realizaciju programa, elementarne nepogode, zatvaranje nekog od lokaliteta predvidjenog za obilazak, ili kakve druge vanredne okolnosti), bez obaveze isplate štete ili kakve druge naknade putniku. Do gore navedene promjene može doći u toku realizacije putovanja i usled specifičnosti na pojedinim destinacijama u odnosu na kalendarski period (vjerski praznici I običaji, državni praznici i sl.). U tom slučaju, organizator je dužan bez odlaganja obavijesti putnika o promjeni, na način koji je u datom trenutku najcjelishodniji, s tim da je usmeno obavještenje relevantno u posebnim okolnostima, (ukoliko zbog nedostatka vremena nije moguće uputiti isto pismenim putem).
Ukoliko se započeto putovanje iz opravdanih prazloga prekine, organizator ima pravo na naknadu za stvarno izvršene usluge.
Organizator može promijeniti ili čak stornirati rezervisani smještaj ukoliko se prije ili prilikom boravka pojave neočekivane okolnosti koje se ne mogu izbjeći. Organizator bi trebao ponuditi gostu alternativni smještaj, s tim što se promjene mogu izvršiti samo uz odobrenje gosta. Ponudjeni alternativni smještaj bi trebao biti iste ili više kategorije od kategorije rezervisanog smještaja. Razliku u cijeni između rezervisanog i alternativnog smještaja pokriva Organizator.
Posrednik ima pravo prigovora zbog neizvršene ili djelimično izvršene usluge navedene u ponudi, te je dužan organizatoru putovanja uložiti pismenu, blagovremenu, obrazloženu reklamaciju sa priloženim dokazima, do kraja bukiranog perioda.
Za prigovor na smještanu jedinicu žalba može biti podnijeta samo na dan dolaska u smještajnu jedinicu. Ako klijent dođe u smještajnu jedinicu posle 10:00 h, žalba će biti razmatrana samo ukoliko je podnijeta do 12:00 h narednog dana.
Next travel zadržava pravo na period od 4 sata za odgovor na žalbu i na dodatni period od 12 sati za rešavanje žalbe ukoliko je ona opravdana. Vremenski period za rješavanje žalbe je od 08:00 do 22:00.
Žalba se može podnijeti svakog dana (uključujuci subotu, nedjelju ili praznik) od 08:00 do 22:00h. na telefon 00382 69 039 200 (wats app,viber,sms), ili mejl: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli.
Odmah po dobijanju žalbe Next ravel će preduzeti sve neophodne radnje kako bi riješio žalbu.
Lični podaci putnika predstavljaju poslovnu tajnu Organizatora. Putnik je saglasan da lične podatke organizator može koristiti isključivo za realizaciju ugovorenog programa putovanja (za formalnosti prelaska granice, potrebe recepcije u smještaajnom objektu i dr.)
Troškovi putovanja ne uključuju paket putnog osiguranja: osiguranje od nezgoda i bolesti koje se mogu dogoditi tokom putovanja, oštećenje ili gubitаk prtljаgа ili dobrovoljno zdrаvstveno osigurаnje.
Preporučuje se Posredniku da obezbijedi polise za navedeni paket putnog osiguranja.
Organizator ne odgovara za nedostatke, materijalna i tjelesna oštećenja kod individualnih turističkih usluga, po zahtjevu putnika, za koje je on samo posrednik između putnika i neposrednih pružaoca usluga (npr. pojedinačna usluga smještaja, prevoza, izlete, rent-a car i dr.)
- Preporučujemo da zamjenu novca vršite u ovlašćenim mjenjačnicama, da biste izbjegli sve eventualne rizike.
- Posebno molimo putnike da se brižljivo staraju o svom novcu, dragocjenostima i vrijednim stvarima, jer organizator putovanja ne snosi odgovornost za gubitak ili krađu istih, a preporučujemo da svoje dragocjenosti obezbijedite u sefu, shodno pravilima i uslovima hotela u kome ste smješteni.
- Za slučaj bilo kakve incidentne situacije, koja spada u domen prekršajne ili krivično pravne odgovornosti (krađa, tuča, saobraćajna nezgoda I sl.) nadležni su organi gonjenja domicilne zemlje, te, ukoliko do takvih situacija dođe, prijavu morate uputiti bez odlaganja. Organizator putovanja (naš predstavnik) je jedino ovlašćen da Vam pomogne u posredovanju izmedju Vas i nadležnih vlasti, samo za vrijeme trajanja aranžmana.
- Molimo da, obavezno, dva dana pred početak putovanja, provjerite vrijeme polaska.
- Ukoliko putnik tokom putovanja samovoljno napušti grupu, predstavnik organizatora putovanja može o istom odmah obavijestiti nadležne lokalne, pogranične organe i ambasadu dotične zemlje.
Na sva pitanja koja nisu uređena ovim Opštim uslovima primenjuju se odredbe Zakona o turizmu, Zakona o obligacionim odnosima, Zakona o zaštiti potrošača.
Za putovanja koja imaju posebna obilježja (kongresi, sajmovi, školske i djačke ekskurzije i dr. specijalna putovanja ) organizator može da utvrdi i objavi »Posebne uslove putovanja« koji imaju važnost samo za odredjena putovanja, i čine sastavni dio ugovora o putovanju.
Plaćanjem aranzmana unaprijed u cjelokupnom iznosu prihvatate opste uslove.
Opšti uslovi agencije “NEXT TRAVEL” primjenjuju se od 08.11.2018.
The provisions of the General Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the contract between "Next travel" d.o.o., Jovan Stojanovića 10, Bar 85 000, Montenegro (hereinafter: Travel Organizer) and the foreign tour operator/client (hereinafter: Intermediary).
The tourist agency "Next travel" provides services to organized groups and individuals: accommodation, transfers, excursions, catering services and other obligations from the offer.
Next travel does not perform these services in case of force majeure (war, riots, strikes, terrorist attacks, sanitary problems, natural disasters, etc.).
The organizer undertakes to carry out all obligations from the offer, i.e. the tourist package - arrangement, conscientiously, without delay and with the attention of a good businessman.
All information provided in the offer represents a legal obligation for the Organizer and the Intermediary.
The prices are given in the offer, i.e. the travel program, are expressed in euros, include VAT, and are based on the requested number of participants and predetermined dates.
The price of the arrangement, as a rule (unless something else is indicated in the travel program), includes: transportation services, hotel, catering services and travel organization costs (services of agency representatives, guides, local guides).
All types of additional services, for which the Intermediary is interested, must be separately agreed in writing with the Organizer before the trip.
If the traveler requires a special service during the trip, outside of the program, he shall pay it on the spot to a representative of the Intermediary or the Travel Organizer, in the currency of the Organizer's country.
In case of unused services in the hotel, due to going on an excursion, the traveler is not entitled to a refund in that part.
The duration of the arrangement is determined by the number of calendar days, not by the number of hours between the time of departure and return. The time of departure, arrival, as well as the duration of the trip is determined by the procedures at the border crossings, the condition of the roads, the permits of the competent authorities, which the Organizer cannot influence, and therefore the stated reasons cannot be the subject of a passenger's complaint.
The price of the arrangement is specified in the offer and the contract, and is binding on the contracting parties, except in cases provided for by law, when the Organizer can demand a price increase. The travel organizer may request an increase in the contracted price if, after the conclusion of the contract, there has been a change in the carrier's tariffs that significantly affect the price of the trip, as well as in other cases provided for by law.
About the price increase, the organizer is obliged to inform the Mediator, in writing or orally, without delay, and upon learning the causes that led to the price increase.
If the Intermediary does not notify the Organizer in writing within the specified period that it withdraws from the contract, it is considered that it agrees with the new price.
The offer is considered confirmed when both contracting parties sign the service contract and Next travel receives the first deposit.
The final details of the offer must be confirmed no later than 21 days before the arrival of the guests. All additional services confirmed after that date are subject to recalculation and billing.
The final number of participants (rooming list) and all services must be available to the Organizer at least 7 working days before the arrival of the group.
The order of payments and deposits are in accordance with the Agreement between the Organizer and the Intermediary.
Next travel reserves the right to cancel or deny any service for which deposits have not been received on the due dates or have not been paid in full in advance in accordance with the agreed order of payment.
Tourist tax is included in the price.
According to the Law of the Republic of Montenegro, the residence tax is €1.00 per person/per day for adults. Children aged 12 to 18 pay 50% of the fee, while children under 12 do not pay the residence tax.
The offered hotels, apartments, other facilities, as well as means of transport in the Organizer's programs are described according to the official categorization of the country. In the travel program, the valid categorization of the hotel is stated on the day of the conclusion of the contract between the Travel Organizer and the Intermediary, so any subsequent changes and deviations from the officially established hotel category, which the organizer was not aware of, cannot have an impact. Nutrition, comfort and quality of other services are determined by category, price, and are under the supervision of state and local tourist inspections. All services listed in the travel program imply average quality standards. The descriptions contained in the organizer's offer refer exclusively to the accommodation facilities with associated accompanying contents, and not to the wider environment (for example, surrounding facilities, terrain configuration, possible noise, traffic, etc.). Certain facilities listed in the program do not have to be in operation, especially, taking into account the calendar period of stay as well as other parameters (e.g. outdoor pool in winter or indoor pool in summer...) and all in accordance with the hotelier's rules. The services of a tourist guide, tourist companion, local tourist guide and tourist animator or local representative of the organizer provided for in the travel program do not imply their all-day and continuous presence, but only contact and provision of services at pre-determined times indicated in the travel program.
Bus transportation and bus transfers are performed by standard tourist buses according to the regulations and criteria valid in our country. Bus delays due to weather conditions, traffic emergencies, excessive delays at borders, breakdowns and the like are by nature beyond the control of the organizers, which we ask you to keep in mind.
The direction of travel, breaks, place and duration are determined by the guide and driver. The guide-driver has the right to, due to unavoidable circumstances, change the driving schedule, route itinerary, or order of site visits. The passenger has the obligation to accept every offered seat in the means of transport. The transfer of luggage from the parking place to the accommodation unit is the responsibility of the passenger (transportation will be as close as possible to the accommodation). If the luggage transport from the parking lot to the hotel is organized by the hotel, the Organizer is not responsible for the loss or damage of the luggage. The agency is not responsible for forgotten things on the bus, but will take all necessary measures, within its capabilities, to find them.
The transportation of passengers by rail, sea, river or lake means of transport that is carried out is the direct responsibility of these carriers, determined in accordance with the regulations that regulate the mentioned types of traffic.
The arrangement of rooms / apartments is determined by the reception in the place of stay. The hotels on offer can be made up of several identical or different accommodation facilities and units. If the traveler, with the written consent of the organizer, has not expressly agreed on a room or apartment with a special location and quality, he will accept any officially registered room/apartment in a particular facility described in the offer and price list, regardless of the passenger's own special requests in relation to the location of the facility, the number of floors , proximity to noise, parking, etc., as well as whether the room is located in the central building or another facility within the accommodation capacity, etc. Travelers can choose the type of service / rental, bed and breakfast, half board, full board, all inclusive, all inclusive light, all inclusive superior, all inclusive ultra superior, use of air conditioning, etc. only when booking the arrangement. If possible, the tour operator will try to meet the traveler and satisfy his additional requests regarding accommodation (comfort, orientation of the room, etc.), but cannot guarantee the fulfillment of additional requests, which have not been agreed in writing.
The travel organizer may cancel the trip in whole or in part, in the event of extraordinary circumstances that could not be predicted, avoided or eliminated, and which did not exist at the time of acceptance of the offer. If the trip is interrupted for these justified reasons, the organizer has the right to compensation for the services actually provided.
The intermediary has the right to change the confirmed reservation only if the Organizer accepts the change. The request to change the reservation must be in writing (e-mail, fax or letter).
If the intermediary wants to cancel the reservation, he must submit the request in writing (e-mail, fax or letter).
The date of written cancellation is the basis for calculating the compensation that, in accordance with the law, belongs to the organizer, expressed as a percentage in relation to the total price, namely:
- 20% if the trip is canceled from 44 to 30 days before the arrival of the guests, the rest of the money will be returned to the account of the Intermediary.
- 40% if it is canceled 29 to 21 days before the arrival of the guests, the rest of the money will be returned to the Broker's account.
- 60% if it is canceled 20 to 15 days before the arrival of the guests, the rest of the money will be returned to the Broker's account.
- 80% if canceled 14 to 8 days before the guests' arrival, the rest of the money will be returned to the account of the Broker.
- 100% if canceled 7 to 0 days before the arrival of the guests.
The travel organizer has the right to change the travel program, if it is caused by extraordinary circumstances that the organizer could not foresee, avoid or remedy, with the fact that the costs incurred as a result of changing the program are borne by the organizer.
The organizer reserves the right to change the day or time of travel, extend or shorten the duration of the arrangement, as well as the right to change the order in the program, if there is a change in conditions (flight order, forced landing, failure of the means of transport, congestion at the borders or in traffic, strikes that affect the implementation program, natural disasters, closure of one of the locations planned for the tour, or any other extraordinary circumstances), without the obligation to pay damages or any other compensation to the passenger. The above-mentioned change may occur during the realization of the trip and due to the specifics of certain destinations in relation to the calendar period (religious holidays and customs, national holidays, etc.). In this case, the organizer is obliged to notify the passenger about the change without delay, in the way that is most expedient at the given moment, with the fact that verbal notification is relevant in special circumstances (if due to lack of time it is not possible to send the same in writing).
If the started trip is interrupted for justified reasons, the organizer has the right to compensation for the services actually performed.
The organizer can change or even cancel the reserved accommodation if unexpected circumstances arise before or during the stay that cannot be avoided. The organizer should offer the guest alternative accommodation, with the fact that changes can only be made with the guest's approval. The offered alternative accommodation should be of the same or higher category than the reserved accommodation category. The difference in price between reserved and alternative accommodation is covered by the Organizer.
The intermediary has the right to complain due to the unperformed or partially performed service specified in the offer, and is obliged to file a written, timely, reasoned complaint with attached evidence to the travel organizer, by the end of the booked period.
Complaints about the accommodation unit can only be submitted on the day of arrival at the accommodation unit. If the client arrives at the accommodation unit after 10:00 a.m., the complaint will only be considered if it is submitted by 12:00 p.m. the following day.
Next travel reserves the right to a period of 4 hours to respond to the complaint and to an additional period of 12 hours to resolve the complaint if it is justified. The time period for handling appeals is from 08:00 to 22:00.
Complaints can be submitted every day (including Saturday, Sunday or holiday) from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on phone 00382 69 039 200 (wats app, viber, sms), or email: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli.
Immediately after receiving the complaint, Next ravel will take all necessary actions to resolve the complaint.
Passengers' personal data are the Organizer's business secret. The traveler agrees that personal data can be used by the organizer exclusively for the implementation of the contracted travel program (for border crossing formalities, reception needs in the accommodation facility, etc.).
The travel costs do not include a travel insurance package: insurance against accidents and illnesses that may occur during the trip, damage or loss of luggage or voluntary health insurance.
The Intermediary is recommended to provide policies for the mentioned travel insurance package.
The organizer is not responsible for defects, material and physical damage in individual tourist services, at the request of travelers, for which he is only an intermediary between travelers and direct service providers (e.g. individual accommodation, transportation, excursions, rent-a-car, etc.).
- We recommend that you exchange money in authorized exchange offices, in order to avoid any possible risks.
- We especially ask passengers to take care of their money, valuables and valuables, because the tour operator is not responsible for their loss or theft, and we recommend that you secure your valuables in a safe, in accordance with the rules and conditions of the hotel where you are staying.
- In the case of any incident, which falls under the domain of misdemeanor or criminal liability (theft, fight, traffic accident, etc.), the prosecuting authorities of the country of residence are competent, and if such situations occur, you must submit the report without delay. The travel organizer (our representative) is only authorized to help mediate between you and the competent authorities, only for the duration of the arrangement.
- Please check the departure time two days before the trip.
- If a passenger voluntarily leaves the group during the trip, the representative of the travel organizer can immediately inform the competent local, border authorities and the embassy of the country in question.
The provisions of the Law on Tourism, the Law on Obligations, and the Law on Consumer Protection apply to all matters not regulated by these General Terms and Conditions.
For trips that have special features (congresses, fairs, school and student excursions, etc.) the organizer can establish and publish "Special Travel Conditions" that are valid only for certain trips and form an integral part of the travel contract.
By paying the arrangement in advance in the entire amount, you accept the general conditions.
The general conditions of the "NEXT TRAVEL" agency apply from November 8, 2018